Together We Are Making A Difference
Mrs. Anita is a very good listener. She is very good at crafts and makes beautiful things. She is very good at baking too. I’m thankful that she does cool pictures of us for school. She’s a very good photographer!
Helen Sahl
I’m very happy to be able to write and say how much Jon and Anita have blessed us since coming to work and live at Ukarumpa. Jon and Anita in a very short period of time have shown such love and servant hearts to our kids. We have two sons in the High School and Jon and Anita have especially gone our of their way to run class dinners for both of their grades, at their own home, just to bless the kids and to let them know they are loved. They have taken time to build relationships with the kids… Read more “Helen Sahl”
Ashleigh Mills
Ever since Anita and Jon arrived in Ukarumpa, I’ve been blown away by their generosity. Even before I really knew them, they were inviting us over for get-togethers, helping in class fundraisers, and sharing food literally wherever they went. They’ve put on dinners for our entire class, as well as for the grade 10 and grade 11 on separate occasions. They helped our senior class put on an Indian Dinner for the community to fundraise for our Senior Retreat to Madang….. there was no way we could have made nearly as much without them. And then Mr McCarthy came with us… Read more “Ashleigh Mills”
Over the past year, I have had medical issues that eventually built up to me being diagnosed with a form of epilepsy. During this time of uncertainty and worry, the McCarthy’s came beside me and prayed with me through it all. During my trip to Australia to see a neurologist, the McCarthy’s would send me Bible verses and words of encouragement, at one point even buying me a music gift card to spend while I was there. I have been truly blessed by this family, and I could never out-give them.
Trista Vander Wal
Anita takes such gorgeous professional school photos and makes it fun for the kids too. She is also a 6th grade girls’ Soul Purpose (Youth Group) leader. My daughter is in her group and we appreciate her enthusiasm and friendly spirit. She is especially gifted at coordinating get togethers like campfires and Christmas parties for the girls inviting them into her home. Jon is a wonderful, caring father who is supportive of all of this Youth Group activity by taking care of their kids. We very much appreciate this couple and their heart to serve here in Ukarumpa.
God has called us all to share the Gospel and make disciples. Through your support, we are able to do exactly that here in Ukarumpa and Papua New Guinea. Together, we will directly support the current generation of Bible Translators through teaching their youth. Greater still, we can mentor and disciple the next generation for whatever mission God has prepared for them.
Here are three ways you can partner with us in impacting the lives of these youth for eternity.
PNG is an island nation just north of Australia. The centre where we live, Ukarumpa, is its own community deep in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The entire centre has the single focus of enabling and supporting the translation of the Bible into every single Tok Ples, or local language, of the country of PNG.
This place is its own world, on the other side of the globe from where we come from, and from what all of us are used to. Follow your curiosity and explore the interactive maps and galleries to visualize yourself in our new home.

Inspired By Their Dedication
Hi, we are Darryl & Jodi Bueckert of Chilliwack, BC. We know Jon & Anita from our time together at Jericho Ridge Community Church. We have been inspired and challenged by the call that God has on their life, and how they have responded in service, dedication, and sacrifice to live out their calling and heart for reaching youth. We are proud to support them monthly, and with creative services through our ministry, Help-Project.
Seeing The Impact First-Hand
Last summer I was blessed to be able to travel to Ukarumpa PNG and visit my friends Jon and Anita McCarthy and their wonderful and 4 lively children. Their community is a wonderful example of God’s work in bringing the bible to PNG. Anita and Jon’s work with the youth is amazing to see the bonds they have formed with the them and the energy and love they have put into their lives. I am glad I am able to support financially and in prayer to the McCarthy family. Their work is a true blessing to this community.
Proud Supporters
Hi, we are Eric and Stephanie Maitland from Ladner, BC. We have known Jon and Anita for many years, we met Anita back in High School! Our families have shared many special moments together and been there for each other during some pretty difficult times. Our friendship has continued to grow stronger with each passing year. They are more like family to us and we are so VERY proud of them and their mission. They are the most loving and compassionate people we have ever met and they just make everyone want to be a better person, just by being… Read more “Proud Supporters”