Cameras for the Ukarumpa International School Yearbook Class
Project Description

It was a real joy, last term, to act as the Yearbook teacher and to help create a book of memories alongside some of the Ukarumpa teens. As I got to know the youth of Ukarumpa better, I realized that a Yearbook, in this community, amongst this group of teens, was more than just a book – it was a window into the life they lived in the home that they have known for the majority of their life – a home that becomes much more of a home to them than their passport countries.

As we plan to return, I am offering this course, once again, and I would like to make it more accessible to all of the students by having a set of cameras for the students to use as they capture memories on campus. This would allow all students, regardless of whether or not they own a camera, to fully participate in every aspect of the class and truly contribute to this wonderful book of memories.

Purchasing these cameras and lenses (we are looking at the Fuji X-T2 mirrorless cameras and 35mm and perhaps a few zoom lenses due to their exceptional weather sealing) is not in the school budget; however, I have seen God provide in numerous ways over our last term in PNG and I wanted to put this out there to anyone who might be interested in donating to this specific mini-project.

If you are wanting to give to this project, please contact us using the form below!


Thank you so much friends!


Project Details