How Do We Encourage & Challenge Youth? We Disciple Through Relationships and Missions

The youth we serve in PNG are here because their parents have been called by God to serve in this country but each and every one of these youth have a unique plan that only God knows the details of. Each one of these students has to decide, for themselves, who they will serve and what that will look like in their lives. One way that we can help them prayerfully consider their future plans is to expose them to missions within PNG. In a country with many needs, the youth here have the opportunity to serve the people of PNG in various ways on yearly missions trips and we have been privileged to help sponsor these trips, when asked. We long to see the youth make faith their own and being asked to step out of their own lives to look at the lives of others and the difference that Christ can make is a great catalyst for deep and challenging thought about what it means to be a true follower of Christ.