You called me to your room & asked me for my presence.
Anita Mccarthy – march 2023
Why so long, you asked.
Why didn’t you come right away?
Were you ever coming? Why the unending delay?
I lay there beside you, my arm draped over your body
the weight of my presence soothing, calming –
a lullaby without words.
I looked into your eyes and began to weep.
How could you need me so deeply?
How could I be of such comfort?
How could i calm your heart when mine is so lost?
The weight of responsibility
in my mind, the thoughts tossed.
Our children they need us, to a degree that is paralyzing
The fear of failing them threatens to move us to quit.
to look upon our inadequacies
not deny, but admit
that we need the One whose presence calms our souls.
the weight of His worthiness
our daily unspoken lullaby & meditation
our food, our sustenance – there is no cessation.
But unlike ourselves, He never delays.
he comes when we call.
He hears us, He knows us
anticipates and runs to hold us in His arms
and calm us with His truths
to speak and sometimes just to be
to know the urgency, love the caller & give the gift
to calm without speaking
to fix without solving
to keep us afloat – the weight He will lift.
We call Him to meet us
We ask for His presence
like a child with a need too deep to explain
like a child who knows not the reason
but wants now the presence.
like a perfect Father, He whispers truth to our hearts.
I’m already here. We’re never apart.
So, call me now, child. Need me tonight
but one day you’ll see that the weight of my presence
was only a solace, a comfort, a balm
because of the One who deserves my belief.
My God, your God – we’re held in His palm.
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