Run faster. Run farther.
Anita Mccarthy – april 2023
Don’t worry if you’ll falter.
We’re running beside you
your journey – ours also.
Swing widely. Aim higher.
Your courage inspires.
Don’t let life persuade you
to dampen your fire.
For in that small body,
lay something much bigger
a hope less affected
a dream with such vigour.
Don’t learn to grow quiet.
We need your intention.
The good in this world
not all from convention.
You bring something lovely
you have something useful.
Don’t lose your excitement.
God’s plan for you – fruitful.
We’ll walk with you now
like we ran with you then.
We’ll try to keep up
though we can’t comprehend.
His plans for you great,
your future is planned.
Though you live in our house,
you’re held in His hand.
So when we might fail
to run with your dreams
or when life unravels
and splits at the seams.
Don’t doubt God’s delight
with how you are made
don’t stop pressing on –
feeling shame for the ways
He has made you to run
where others may walk.
He has given you dreams
so while others may gawk
and not see what you see –
God sees you in full
and invites you to add
your small part to the whole.
For beauty exists
in the part you will play
in His kingdom on Earth
so look up, and obey.
Run faster. Run farther.
Don’t worry that you’ll fail.
God chose you. God made you.
Be yourself.
Just exhale.
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