In Ukarumpa, we have two campuses and over 300 students. Each student represents family units who serve in various ways here in Papua New Guinea. Their parents might be mechanics, electricians, language survey workers, pilots, store managers, HR personnel or Bible translators and having a school here that provides a quality, Christ-centered education is an incredibly large part of enabling these adults to be here and continue the work that God has set before them in light of their unique talents and gifts.
Every year, we face shortages and this coming year, we will have a huge shortage in the music department. This coming January, we are losing one of our beloved Choir teachers and next year, two of the music teachers will be on furlough, leaving just one music teacher for both campuses.

We are beyond blessed to have talented musicians here, teaching our kids and we would love it if you would join us in praying for the faculty needs of both the Primary and Secondary Campuses here in Ukarumpa.

Perhaps you even know of someone who is looking for a place to use their giftings as a teacher to support Bible translation. Perhaps you are looking ahead to a future in education and are wondering if God might be calling you to the mission field or perhaps you are a faithful prayer warrior and you want to stand with us in praying that God would call the right people to PNG to meet this needs.
We know He’s not surprised. We know He’s still in control and we know that He can speak to the hearts of those who He’s calling and give them the courage, joy and endurance to start the journey from their current home to a new home here in PNG.
Whatever His plans may be, we are so thankful that we can join you in praying for His will to be done here in PNG and we are so thankful that so many of you have faithfully agreed to partner with us in prayer and financial support to enable us to use our skills as teachers here at Ukarumpa International School.
Thank you!
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